Here I am, picking up and starting a new life somewhere else once again. This time with more ease. I am moving to Greensboro and into Houston's apartment. Yes, I know exactly what you're thinking. I know that you think that I am completely out of my mind. Normally, I would be agreeing with you. There's something different about things in this instance that I wish I could explain to you and have you understand. Sometimes when you have a gut feeling you just have to go with it. That's what I'm doing, just going with it. I haven't felt like this in ages or really maybe ever.
I feel so hopeful and content with where my life is going. I just so happened to get lucky enough to come across an amazing boyfriend that is with me one hundred percent in all of my ideas and aspirations and the feeling goes both ways. Sometimes all you need is someone to love and love you in return to bring everything together.
I feel like there is promise in my future and I'm not going to falter or back down from what I need to do to make my life what it has always had the potential to be.